Monday, July 13, 2015

What a Year! (or two)

I am here again but this time with a whole new outlook on life! I came to the realization that I hadn't blogged in over a year and wondered why?! A lot has happened in the past year (mostly amazing) but I am ready to get back to the keyboard and start up this blog again....Enjoy!

So you may be wondering what I have been up to this past year? The latest and greatest thing has happened to me...I became a mom! I am the mother to a beautiful baby girl named Kiley who just turned 4 months yesterday. She has been a dream come true and I couldn't imagine life without her. She is a happy and healthy little one. Here is her sweet face....

In addition to giving birth to a beautiful baby, I was fortunate enough to have a dream pregnancy as well. I had no "sick" symptoms and I felt better than ever! I lost weight instead of gaining and I have managed to keep most of it off. Being pregnant was an experience I thought I would hate and dread but I actually felt more beautiful than ever. I had it documented by a wonderful photographer named Kelsey Shirley. If you are looking for a photographer in general, Kelsey is fantastic! Here is a link to her website Kelsey Shirley Photography. She is amazing at what she does and I appreciate her capturing my pregnant self and making me feel like a million bucks. She took so many good ones I picked a few that I loved!

Some other (not as important) things that have happened is: I finished my Master's degree, rode my very first (hopefully not last) bike riding event, traveled a whole bunch, lost our dog "Snuggles" in a tragic accident and adopted a new pup named "Roo".

That is what has happened in the past year (or two) is my hope I can update this blog as my child sleeps. I love blogging and in a sense it is a way to relive the happy (and sometimes frustrating) times in life.


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