Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cheers to family and great sales! (well maybe not so much the sale part....)

Good Morning Everyone! 

I have been here in Scottsdale for the weekend to celebrate my Aunt Susan's birthday!  She is my Aunt but also has been a second mother to me. I love her and wish her many more wonderful birthdays to come! It has been a weekend of laughter, much needed family time, and we have made many memories.Cheers! (oh wait, maybe a little early for the cheers since it's only 8:30 in the morning! LOL!)

Onto the sales for this week......(don't be too disappointed since sales are starting to wind down)

Office Max
25 cents for.....
index cards (limit 1)
40 pack of assorted erasers and grips (limit 2)
12 pack of #2 pencils (limit 3)
$1 BIC Round Stic ballpoint pens 12 pk (limit 2)
50 cents for composition notebooks (limit 3)
50 cents for glue combo packs (white glue and 2 glue sticks OR white glue and scissors) (limit 3)
Expo and Crayola products (selected items) buy 2 get 1 free!

Office Depot
1 cent for 2 pocket folders (limit 10)
1 cent for slider pencil boxes (limit 3)
25 cents for 8 pack of #2 pencils (limit 3)
25 cents for 5" scissors pointed or blunt tipped (limit 3)
25 cents for student compass (limit 3)
$2 for a 4 pack of Sharpie Chisel tip markers 
Buy 1 Get 1 Free on Select Crayola and Expo products

$4 for 3 pk Paper Mate Clearpoint mechanical pencils (MY FAVORITE PENCILS!!!)
$5 10 count Sharpie Markers pack

With a $5 minimum purchase you can get 1 cent spiral notebooks (limit 6)
25 cents for white glue (limit 4)
50 cents for index cards (limit 2)
50 cents for 2 pack composition notebooks (limit 2)

I hope everyone who reads and follows my blog is also having a wonderful restful weekend. Have a great Sunday, thank you for reading and happy shopping!


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